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I was recently asked what it meant to me to be a Kennel Club Accredited Instructor, my answer - My dream has come true!

Lillie Abbott KCAI CD AD

It means that I have paid out more than I would ever admit to my husband to learn how to be the best dog trainer I can be

It means that I continue to pay out more than I would like to admit to stay ahead of the game and to keep my skills up to date 

It means that I am a force free positive trainer that understands that the best way to train my dog is to pay him/her in their own chosen currency be that treats or toys or both (I wouldn’t work for free and I don’t expect them to either)

It means that I have been assessed on not only my knowledge of theory but also my practical and hands on experience

It means that I want to not only be the best dog trainer I can be but more than that the best dog trainer my dog thinks I am not just for my own dogs but for those that I am entrusted with by their owners - my clients 

It means that I will continue to learn and to seek out new ways to help you my client and your dog to reach your potential and your dreams whether that be a nice walk to the park or moving on to competitive dog sports

It means that if I don’t have the answer or can’t help you I will admit this and help you find someone who can

It means that I am not perfect but I strive for perfection in everything I do relating to dogs

It means that I will treat you and your dog with respect and will always do my best to find a way for us to work together in a place of positive reinforcement and communication.

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